Friday, December 18, 2009

A Little Embarassing, But Funny

Well, needless to say when you're pregnant, you pee A LOT!! I swear I probably get up, (depending on how much water or other liquids I've had that evening) anywhere from 3-6 times per night. Anyway, most of the time when I get up, I get to the bathroom with no lights on, I close the door, and I sit down in the dark and I do what I'm there to do. So I'm sitting there after I've already peed, but I'm sitting there anyway with my head partially looking down, when all of a sudden I feel a presence right in front of me. I don't know about you, but I can feel people's presence, even if I can't see them, I sense them. Mind you, it's so dark in our room and the bathroom that I can't even see ANY kind of light coming in (even though the door has been opened at this time.) So instinctively, I guess, I put my hands up by my face, but with my palms facing out, as if to push something away, I suppose. When all of a sudden, I feel in my hands a small hairy butt, and all at the same time, I say, "oh my god!" and Alan yells, "oh Jesus!!!" really super loud, and he springs up and out of the bathroom door. He was just about to sit on the toilet, and me, and when I yell and push his butt, he freaks out too, because he doesn't even know I'm in the bathroom. We both immediately start laughing hysterically and can't stop for minutes. It's just so funny. He says, "I didn't even hear you get up." Evidentally not. Thank goodness he wasn't about to fart as he was about to sit on the pot. Geesh. Too funny. We both about had heart attacks that night!!!

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