Friday, April 24, 2009


Well, this one particular night I took Nana to the
hospital because she wasn't feeling well, and my mom met us over there. So she's in the ER and they have her hooked up to all these monitors and the doctors are in and out monitoring her and so forth, you know the drill. So I guess she had been slipping down further and further from her pillow, and wanted to be propped up a bit more, so the nurse pulled her up and at the same time (unbeknownst to any of us), her chonies were slowly falling towards her ankles. Somehow these slippery little suckers managed to work their way down to her ankles, who knows? Maybe she wanted to go commando, who knows??? Ha ha. Anyways, this young, really cute doctor came into the room and wanted to examine Nana, but in spanish, Nana proceeds to tell us that her chonies had fallen all the way to her ankles. So I picked up the covers at the foot of the bed, and lo and behold, there they are, thank God they were clean, right?? So I tell Mom and Connie and we had the biggest laugh, all the while the doctor is in there, looking at us like we were all crazy, and Nana was laughing too, because we were all talking in Spanish and she was trying to get me to put the covers back over her, but I managed to get a picture of the incident instead. I don't think the doctor ever knew what the heck was going on. He just went on with his examination of Nana. It was the funniest thing ever though. There they are in the picture, the blue sassy panties. ha ha

My Nana

I've been thinking a lot of nana lately, as has Miss Darian. We talk about her and reminisce about the times when she was here, the dolls she had, her Barbies, the way OD would be on his way to take her to her room on her chair, but not quite; he'd take her around the house and have fun pushing her around. Then she couldn't really tell him "take me to my room," so she'd wave at him with her hand toward her room (gesturing for him to take her back), so he finally would give in and take her to her room. He was such a good boy to Nana, he would help her to walk down the hallway toward the kitchen; if he saw her, he would let her take his arm and they'd walk arm-in-arm into the kitchen, it was so precious to see him helping her like that.

I'll walk into her room sometimes and just remember the lump under her blankets and remember that I'd have to go in and wake her up so she could come and eat, otherwise she'd sleep all day if you let her.

I walk into her closet and can still smell her there, because that's where her clothing and belonging still are. It's an odd sensation, the person is gone, but their smell is still there. I wonder if anyone will miss my scent when I'm gone?? Your sense of smell is a funny thing, it can conjure up thoughts, memories, feelings for a person, feelings of a certain point in time, depending on the smell, whether it be a perfume, scent of a person, food, whatever; I always found that fascinating.

I miss her.

Even though she wasn't here for long, I wish she would have been here with us a bit longer, but I did what I could in the time that she gave me. I guess she felt obligated to Veronica and Connie, nothing I could do about that really. But, at times I still felt like I should have insisted more on having her come live here, but, well, I guess she had a nice life for the last few months of her life, more comfort, doting, enough food to eat, comforts of home. That's all I wanted to do, take care of her, because all she ever did was take care of others.

I'm glad I was able to give her the only Birthday parties she ever had in her life, I think she liked it and appreciated it. I enjoyed giving her a party, a day for only her. I am most proud of the way I was able to bring Nana back in touch with Aunt Val and her family, I think that was an important thing for her. It was a great thing for everyone, and I'm sure everyone is glad that it finally happened. I'm so thankful for that day!!!
I love you Nana!!!

Bling Bling!!

Well, we were at a Dbacks game and this really nice, really friendly man came up to all of us and was asking us how we were enjoying the game, asking if we liked our seats, hello? How can you not? Our seats are awesome. So anyway, he stayed and chatted for a bit and I noticed this huge ring he had on, you know me, the jewelry girl. I asked him if I could see it, expecting he would just hold his hand out, but no, he took it off and handed it to me. I said, "you don't have to take it off, oh gosh!" He handed it to me and this ring was huge, I thought my wedding set was big, but it actually dwarfed my rings. It was a 2001 Championship ring, blinged out all the way with diamonds ALL over it. It was huge, heavy, beautiful, shiny, wow, is all we could muster. He got a kick out of it, I'm sure. Ends up, he's one of the head honchos in the Dbacks organization. Like I said, he was soooo nice, he just wanted to make sure we were having a good time, and enjoying our "experience" at the ballpark. Anyway, we took pictures, because we had to prove how big this ring actually was. So here it is, in all it's glory. Wow, how cool if my lil' son could one day have one of those, my head was in the clouds, daydreaming of the day.......

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Boys Will Be Boys

Well, my Joshie got an air soft gun a while ago when he went to church camp, they had "gun wars" and he absolutely loved it! So lately he's been doing the yardwork with Alan each Saturday morning and earning money in the process. So he has now "upgraded" and bought himself a new "shotgun," which he thinks is just the coolest, and it is, it shoots farther and faster. So now, O.D. wants to get in on the action, so Joshie took him outside and taught him how to use the "pistol," and the dos and don'ts of how to use it and proper safety of it. O.D. had a blast because his big brother was actually taking time out of his busy videogame time to show him how to use it and to actually go shooting and having "wars." So here is a bit of what they were doing. I thought the picture with the both of them in the house was funny, because here they're trying to look like gangsters or whatever, but look at the background and where they are, no thugs I know would be in a house like that. Ha ha.

Sadness . . . . . partly

Well, today I was downloading some pictures from our camera onto the computer and came across these pictures. When I saw them, I was in part, sad and partly happy. Sad, because I see all of our kids and how quickly time flies by, seeing them in these pictures, you see how small and innocent they were; but happy, because they are all growing up into wonderful young men and women (yes, we've had our moments), but that's all part of life, learning and experiencing with our children. Anyway, just wanted to share and let you all experience your own special "moment" seeing these pictures. By the way, these pictures were taken February 2006, when we had O.D.'s party at Amazing Jakes.

Monday, April 13, 2009

DBacks, Step It Up

Well, last week was the first week of the 2009 baseball season. Dbacks won the first game against the Rockies, it was awesome! Then they couldn't pull it out after that. Then came our arch rivals, the dreaded Dodgers. We ended up beating them pretty good the first game 9-2, that was so awesome. The next game was horrible, they slapped us around pretty good, and we ended with 11-1, wow, what a beating. Then Sunday, Easter Sunday, they beat us again, 3-1.
We have three games in a row against St. Louis, (get to see Pujols, woo hoo!!), hopefully we can come out ahead these next three games.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Joshie MY Comedian

Well, last night, (Wednesday nights) Joshie and Darian meet with their church groups. Darian didn't go, because homework is a priority and all they were doing in church group was watching "The Passion of the Christ," (we can do that at anytime, since we own the movie). But Joshie did go, and was very enthusiastic about going. He had homework, but was adamant about finishing, which he did, and was like, "ok, I'm done, let's go!" Which I'm so excited about, I love that he loves going, he loves being with the kids and leaders that are there, it's amazing!!! Praise God!!! Anyway, when we left there it was time for my teenage boy to eat. And what did he want to eat? Beef. In-N-Out, that's it, nothing else would do. So as we're driving there I asked Joshie something (don't ask me what), but like 2-3 minutes later he responds with a loud, "HUH?" It sounded so dang funny I couldn't help but laugh out loud. Then it just turned into this huge "huh" fest. We get to the drive-thru and Joshie says, "when the girl at the window (that just took our order) is going to take the money and she's talking, I'm gonna say "HUH?" and hide, crouched down in the back of my SUV. WTF???? Is what I'm thinking?? It's gonna look like I'm a complete dumbass, like I'M the one asking her the ??????? But it was so funny. She took my money and asked if we were eating in the car or taking it home. "HUH?" Was the loudest response, (coming from the farthest backseat, no less--plus laughing from there as well.) So we proceed to the next window where they give us the food. The guy there repeats the order for the 10th time, yes, yes, I know what the f***k I, or rather, my son, ordered. Anyway, after he repeats it, another, at-the-top-of-his-lungs comes another "HUH?" OMG, I could barely contain myself. Before we even approached the darned window I was practically in tears from listening to Joshie repeat the infamous "HUH?" to me. It was hilarious!!! The guy at the window looked at me as if I was asking him to cut his eye out and hand it to me. I know I had a seriously twisted, laughing kind of face. Wow, what a sight. But he handed me my food and thanked me for my business, all the while I'm waiting to bust out laughing as I'm driving away with my son's food. He keeps me hopping and laughing and I love every minute of it. My son, my love, my Joshie.


Well, I had seen Jesus (not literally), but a really beautiful carved, Jim Shore, Jesus at Hallmark about 2 or 3 months ago. He was beautiful, but he was expensive, (since when did that ever stop me though, huh?) Anyway, I went back yesterday to see if he was still waiting for me, and lo and behold, there he was, in all of His Glory!! Check out the picture, he's awesome. But little did I know there was more to him than met the eye. I take him home and realize that there's this little solar power pack that is attached to him. I put it in the sun for a bit, and at night he lights up, along with the little animals that are with him. It's so cool. I had to put the power pack back in the sunlight today because I didn't charge it for that long yesterday. But it will automatically turn on when it's dark, and turn itself off when it's daylight. I love Him!!! Check him out. And I will be leaving Him out, even when Easter is a memory.

OD's Bad Day

Well, today my lil' guy had a baseball game. I got there a bit late, but as I'm walking up he comes running up to me with a plastic baggie with ice, held up to his temple. He proceeds to tell me, as quickly as he possibly can, that he got hit in the head (the helmet, he later says--thank God). As he's telling me, he's got this mischevious look in his eye and he's smiling, like he's proud of it, he survived. Later as I'm sitting there, one of the mothers starts telling me how hard he was hit with the baseball, she said it was a loud "THUMP!" I wish I would have been there to videotape it, and have it recorded for the OD history books. Oh well, I'll know now to be there on time, all the time. BTW, we lost 6-0 to the Phillies.

More Augie Pics

For some reason this idiotic computer won't let me post a bunch of pictures at once, so I'm having to put "New posts," even though they're supposed to go all together. Anyway, here goes again.

Augie Ojeda (Ahhhh Mi Amor)

I think these pictures can speak for themselves, he's pretty hot, need I say more????

More Opening Day Pics

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Opening Day 2009!!!!

Well today was Dbacks Opening Day!! We have all been anticipating this day for a while, since we got our new seats. The Dbacks played an awesome game, and so did the Rockies, they fought, and were neck and neck for the whole game. But the Dbacks prevailed and pulled it out 9-8!!! YOWIE!!!!!!! We were late getting to the game, because we all thought the darned game started at 1:40, when in reality it started at 12:40. We missed the jets passing over the stadium, missed the tribute they did to Marquis Cooper, the missing NFL player that was lost at sea. His family was there and his father Bruce Cooper threw out the first pitch. Muhammad Ali was also at the game, cool huh? I got his pic, (when it came on the huge screen). We then took OD to the team shop to get him an "Opening Day 2009" baseball for his collection, can you believe they completely sold out of them? Geez, what a bummer, my lil' son was so upset, and so was I, for him. That's what you get for being late I suppose. I'll be looking at the tickets beforehand, and not taking anyone's word for it. Anyway, we got what we wanted, the first win of the season!!! And I got to see that cutie, Augie Ojeda, ha ha, Go Dbacks!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Darian, Josh and Andre

Well, here are the kids with their big brother. They were so happy to be together, if even for a little bit. They look alike huh?

Well, here we go . . . .

Well here is my first entry, hope all goes well . . . . . today was a typical day at my house, which consists of cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning, with inbetween getting on the computer and seeing what's on TV. My honey bunny is on his way home as I'm writing this, I'm praying he gets home safe. I hate it when he's gone, even if it's just for a day. The kiddos are still finishing up eating, and Andre has come to visit them, I'm sure they miss seeing each other on a regular basis. I've been trying to be positive with this whole "situation" that's happened, I think the kids are doing well.