Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Christmas 2009

Well, we had Christmas this year at Krista's. Which was nice, because I'm pregnant and I didn't have lots to do, with getting our house THAT ready for company, getting food, and then cleaning. I love entertaining in our home, but it is a lot of work!
Anyway, it was nice, because everyone was there--EVERYONE!! Dad, Tina and her kids, Mom and Richard, and all my siblings and all of our kids, plus Matthew and Jessica (which was nice that they came as well) that's a lot of people, at least 30 of us all together.
We did our gift exchange, which takes a bit of time, and all the kids were so excited to open gifts--when are they not, right?
After celebrating at Krista's then our lil' family went home and the kids wanted to open gifts at home, soooo bad, but Alan wanted to wait until the morning. I have to admit I was excited for the kids to open their gifts as well, so I talked Alan into letting them open their gifts that evening. It's not like we had plans the next day anyway, so we could all sleep in. So we got home, changed into our pj's and opened our gifts. It was really nice, just us, tree lit, the dogs in the house with us running around, I just love Christmas!!! My honey ended up getting me something I've been eyeing for a while. It's a one-of-a-kind Roberto Coin bracelet from our favorite jewelry store. The bracelet is literally one-of-a-kind because it was made for a jewelry show competition and it won!!! It's yellow gold, and if you look at it one way, it has regular white diamonds (or clear, however you label them), and if you look at it from the opposite direction, there are black diamonds. So depending on which way you're looking at it, it looks different, and it's gorgeous. He said he had bought it back in October ( I personally think he bought it when he knew I was pregnant, but whatever, right?) Anyway, it was a great night. Everyone was tired and we went to bed around 2 am. Christmas is so much fun and the anticipation of Christmas Eve and Christmas makes it all the better.

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