Thursday, June 11, 2009

Ranch Market

Yesterday, Roy took me to The Ranch Market, which is like you've practically stepped over the border and into Mexico. And I don't mean it in a degrading, disgusting way at all. I'm Mexican, and damned proud of it, I love my peeps and am good when I'm around them, even the ones from Mexico. It was cool being in the store, it's so different from being in Fry's or AJ's, it's a whole 'nother culture, obviously. It's cool, there's a section that sells these huge chicharrones, another section with cocktail de camaron and ceviche, yummy. Another section that sells, raspadas, which Roy says are awesome, so we have to go back and have one one of these days. The meat department was amazing and had so much fresh, good looking cuts of meat, I've never seen such a nice meat department. There was rows and rows of packaged chicken, in big, big packages, wow, unbelievable. The bakery had all these brightly colored birthday cakes, really, really pretty, prettier than the ones you see at Fry's and the prices were REALLY good. Also in the bakery were cases and cases of pastries, pan dulce, conches, maranitos, donuts, cut up cakes with crema in the middle with sprinkles on top, they all looked soooooo good. There was also the produce section that had lots and lots of stuff too, and good looking produce, and very reasonably priced. I bought a drink, that was coconut, I think it was fresh coconut, and it also had slivers of the coconut in it too, it was soooo good, they had all flavors like limonada, jamaica, sandia, coco, pina, fresa, and then, of course, they had the regular Horchata.
I think it's a good place to come and bring the kids so they can experience that type of thing, you know, being around their people, experiencing places where they tend to migrate together. To immerse them in their culture. It's funny, when I'm in places like that, my spanish tends to get better and I like speaking spanish to the people behind the counters. I really want my kids to learn to speak spanish, Darian is learning and knows more than the boys, but we've got to step it up and start learning more.
So needless to say, I enjoyed our day at the Ranch Market, thanks Roy.

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