Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Black Hole Costco

Well, yesterday I went to the Black Hole, aka Costco, which I have been putting off for weeks. I have been putting it off because I dread getting one of those "monster carts" and filling it up to where it's easier to pull than to push and then getting to the register to find yourself 2 miles back. I also hate going by myself because they box all the stuff up at the register, but when I get to my truck I can't even lift the darned thing, so I have to put each thing in individually, but when Alan is with me, he does all the heavy lifting.
Anyway, they usually have really good things to eat too, not yesterday, and I was a little hungry when I got there, I know, I know, it's always bad to go shopping on an empty stomach, I couldn't help it though, I'd been running around all day and just hadn't made the time. They had these stupid protein bars, some acai liquid (junk), some kind of pizza roll thing--something my kids would eat, not me.
So I piled my cart as much as I possibly could with stuff, which of course I needed, and which of course will be used by us for the next month, because I'm not going back for a while; at least not by myself. I had meats, cheeses, two bottles of vino, tp, snack puddings, brownie mix (gotta have brownies--but now I need a new pan--MOM!!) LOL What else? Oh yeah, I did buy lots of fruits and veggies, which is good, soaps, bleach, some tank tops that I like to wear to bed, and some undies, gotta love the full-back undies (can't wear the thongs to bed, not too comfy). Come to think of it, I didn't buy anything frivolous (unless you count the vino, and tanks and undies), just stuff we really did need, food!! The cashier even commented, "Wow, your fridge must be empty." Geez dude did you really have to say that in front of everyone? He's like saying I'm buying up the whole store or something.
BTW, my tab was a whopping $426!! You know you can never come out of there with less than $100.

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