He is a Terrorist, because he has dug holes in our yard, dug up flowers, eaten my brand new (with the biggest and most beautiful flowers), Hibiscus plant that my honey bought me. Alan had just planted it in one of the flower pots near the doggie door, so of course, it's the first thing Petey sees when he goes out the door, right? I was out the next morning feeding the dogs and looked over at the Hibiscus plant and thought, "gosh, I wonder why Alan pruned this plant down so much? " Because I had seen Alan that afternoon with the clippers, clipping other plants, so I just assumed he had done it to the new Hibiscus plant too. I was already getting mad at Alan, because the plant looked ugly, it was waaay smaller than earlier, and just looked puny. But as I walked closer to the plant, I noticed that some of the branches were broken and there were leaves in the pot itself that looked really mangled. So of course, then, it hit me. Ugh!! I could have spanked Petey, but he was no where to be found.
So later when Alan got home, I told him what happened. I told him he should spray the plant with some stuff we have that repels the dogs, so they won't want to chew on the plants. So he grabs the spray and goes outside and comes right back in with this look on his face. I said, "what's wrong?" He said, "there's nothing left to spray." I went outside, and the whole plant, roots and all, was completely ripped out of the pot and was laying on the ground a little ways away, leaves all over the ground. My poor, poor plant. It was so beautiful, I wish I had a picture of it for you all to see. The leaves were so green, the flowers were BIG and really yellow, it was really, really full, it was just a gorgeous plant. But alas, my Pee-wee has ruined it.
So yesterday, Alan got home from work and the kids had been home all day (since I was in LA with Dad and Roy), and when he got home, he noticed the dogs were in the house, unattended. Boys were in the basement playing video games, Darian was in the study room, on the computer. I think Jack was with Darian, but the other two dogs had free range of my house, so who knows what they had been up to. But anyway, Alan's looking outside, way out in the back (if you look down the patio where the BBQ grill is, the grass that's out there), he said he saw Petey with his head all the way in a bag. As he got closer he noticed that he had gotten a bag of Lucky Charms (actually it's the cereal LIKE Lucky Charms, but the ones that come in the big bag, they're cheaper, you know.) Anyway, he has his head completely in this bag of Lucky Charms and is eating and eating and eating. Alan yells his name and he runs away, as fast as an arrow--VROOOOMMMM and hides, oooooooh, he knew he was in trouble. But he must have carried it out the doggie door and went out there in the yard, AND THEN opened it, because the clip that was on it, was out there as well. If he was a little kid (what am I saying? He IS a little kid right?) Anyway, he'd probably be trying to blame someone else, or saying, "I didn't do it, honest." Yeah, right. I have proof that he ate the Lucky Charms. See the little marshmallow in his beard???? Uhuh . . . . . . . EVIDENCE!!!!! Don't let that cute little face fool you, he's a terrorist, I tell ya'!!!!
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