seatbelt held him in super tight, hilarious!
Coming home.
Well today, Dad, Roy and I went to see this eye doctor in Beverly Hills. Roy has this horrible eye disease and the doctors here in Phoenix have told him that his ONLY option is to have a corneal transplant, he wanted a second opinion, so off we were. The doctor had good news, Roy is a candidate for this procedure and hopefully he will be getting it done soon!
Spending the day with Dad and Roy was super fun and we laughed ALOT, about all kinds of silly stuff. Roy and these one-liners he comes up with, hilarious. Like we had the GPS going and the lady's voice on there is telling us where to go. We started laughing, because Dad and Roy were saying, "what if you go the wrong way?" Then this lady speaking Spanish would come on and say, "Por que vias (sp) oeste, way, pinche' pendejo?" (I know I'm spelling it totally wrong). We were laughing . . . . . you had to be there, with Roy's accent and all.
After Roy's appointment we were driving down Santa Monica and went all the way down past La Cienega, so we were like in West Hollywood. We found a place called "Hamburger Mary's," which Dad called "Dirty Mary's" the whole time. So we walk in and the "hostess," who is this big tall guy, he seats us. And right away I noticed something about the place, but didn't say anything about it to Dad or Roy, they just proceeded to read their menus. But I'm looking around and notice there are only men in the restaurant, and our "hostess" was completely effiminate. Also, in two of the windows were two signs that said, "Vote For Prop 8," and "If You Love Equality . . . . ." So, THEN I asked Dad and Roy, "do you notice anything about this place?" They still didn't get it. So I had to tell them. They kind of froze for a second. Funny. Then we proceed to still read the menus and Roy comes across the "specials" in the middle of the menu. There was something for "Hot Latino Night" notice I said, Latino, not Latin Nights, or Latina Nights, it was Latino. The next one said, "Drag Night," and so on, you get the picture. I thought it was hilarious. But we decided to go across the street and eat Thai BBQ, (which ended up being sooooo good, small hole-in-the-wall place.) But before we left, our waiter came up to us to take our drink order, (which took him a long time in the first place), and I told him that we had changed our minds, which he then proceeds to tell us, in his best feminine voice "well, it's a free country, we can all do what we want!"
So when we finish at the other restaurant we have to pass by Hamburger Mary's once again to get our car from the parking lot next door. So I had them stand under the sign and I took their picture, Roy REALLY didn't want to, but Dad made him. As Roy looks up, he says, "I guess we should have known from those, what kind of place this was." So we all look up and there are about eight rainbow flags posted on the roof on this place. We just laughed and walked to our car. You can see some of the flags in the picture of them in front of the restaurant.
So we proceed down the freeway, which we were cutting it super close getting to the airport. But I think God had to be with us this entire day, first of all with the good news with Roy, then there was absolutely no traffic while we were driving to the airport (which is highly unusual for LA, right?) So we get to the Hertz place to return the car and there is a man walking up to us and he says, "If you don't need a receipt and you're in a hurry you can just leave the keys in the car and go." So we were like, "heck yeah we're in a hurry," and he heard us and said, "You guys in a rush to get to the airport?" We told him we were and he said, "get back in the car and I'll take you." So we did and he took us to the airport, super quick. We would have had to wait for the bus to take us to the airport, find our gate and walk to it. But this way, he just dropped us off right in front and we were able to go inside, print our boarding passes (which Alan had graciously gotten for us, all we had to do was re-print them, thank you Honey!) We went through security, which, again, God is good, there was one person in front of us. How often does THAT happen, right? So we get to the gate with at least 25 minutes to spare. Wow!! God was definitely with us this day.
Thank you Lord for all that you did for us this day, all that you provided, and all the Grace and Mercy you showed all of us today. I know everything good comes from You and without you, we couldn't do any of the wonderful things we do each and every day. You provide the breath of life, the compassion, love and mercy that we have for all people we come in contact with. Thank you Lord, for the doctor that saw my brother and that he saw he was able to help him, thank you!!!! Thank you for a wonderful day!!!!!!! Amen.
The total recovery time for a corneal transplant may be up to a year or longer. Initially, your vision will be blurry and the site of your corneal transplant may be swollen and slightly thicker than the rest of your cornea. As your vision is restored, you will gradually be able to return to your normal daily activities.