Tuesday, July 28, 2009

First Day of School 2009

Here they are, their first day of school 2009-2010. I now have a Junior, a Freshman and a 5th grader; gosh, I remember when I was a fifth grader and I remember how "responsible" I felt, even though I probably REALLY wasn't. But my little one seems so "young and naive." He's a momma's boy (which at times, I love, and others, I feel a little guilty about, because I feel like I've babied him too much.) Oh well, he's probably my last, so why not, right? I say my last, because my body says "no more," but Alan still has hope, so I guess we'll see. Anyway, back to the subject at hand, I get off on these tangents sometimes . . . . . .

The kids going back to school is bittersweet, of course. I love them being home, but a part of me is like "heck yeah!" I get my days back for me!!" Back to the schedules of school, church and lessons.

OD was a bit nervous going to school, because this year he is changing classes, he doesn't have a homeroom like years prior. He's a big boy now. I forgot to ask where they eat their lunches, hmmm, I'll have to ask later. But he has a whole new place they have to line up and go in with their Advisory Teacher. When I picked him up (which I now pick him up 45 minutes later than the other two,) I asked how his first day as a fifth grader went. He said, "it was okay, I found my classes, but I'm still confused of where I'm supposed to go for P.E." (I'm paraphrasing here, so bear with me on my language, or rather, OD's.) Anyway, I told him it would just take time to get into the routine of knowing where his classes were.

Joshie had his first day of high school. He tells Darian, "your friends act like I'm not even there!" I said, "well, were you being annoying? Maybe they were ignoring you because you were being an annoying little brother." He said, "no, I wasn't even talking at all, they just ignored me." I said, "well, just give them some time, they just don't know you, and when they do, they'll love you." How can you not love Joshie and his silly sense of humor, right? He's so darned smart, Alan and I just have to make sure we're on top of this boy, to make sure he's getting things done. We have faith and we know how smart Joshie is, he can do really, really well, when he wants to. He's just lazy, and we need to keep him out of that laziness funk.

Darian is now starting her Junior year, poor, poor girl. I worry about my girl sometimes. She hasn't done so well in school and I know it's hard for her, but she also needs to put forth more effort. I told her if she didn't pass all of her classes this year, she probably wasn't going to graduate with her class. I wasn't telling her to make her feel bad, but it's a fact, and I think she needs to know the gravity of the situation. This is the last ditch effort to get things on track. I'd hate to see her not graduate on time and with her class, but, well, I don't know. I guess it's not the end of the world, it's not like my daughter is sick with a major illness or anything. I love my daughter and want the best for her and want her to be happy and want her to graduate, don't get me wrong, but in the grand scheme of things, of life and death and God and everything, is it REALLY the end of the world if she doesn't? No. I would still love her and help her in whatever she wanted to do. Not every kid is a school kid, not every kid loves school and does well in it. That's just not Darian.

Anyway, here's to a good and hopefully successful school year!!!


  1. I love your honesty and how you don't sugar-coat every part of your kids lives. Darian will find her place sooner or later--and you are right--school is not for everyone.

    I love Joshie! I love his jokes!

  2. Anna Krista is so right! I don't think I know one person with perfect kids or life! We may like to think they are of course:) But my Joshie struggles and has to work for his grades but he makes up for it in his personality and kindness and Darian does too! Thanks for being real and down to earth and making feel like I'm not the only Mom that gets challenged :)

  3. Your love and support is the only thing that matters. It is not the end of the world, I can personally tell you that. I too, struggled in school, and I did not walk with my class. I graduated in Dec and walked with the following class. My parents supported me, and took me out of town on what would have been MY graduation night. Your daughter is sweet, pretty and healthy. She will do just fine. : ) And, your boys seem like a lot of fun too!
