Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Disneyworld 2009
First Day of School 2009
Here they are, their first day of school 2009-2010. I now have a Junior, a Freshman and a 5th grader; gosh, I remember when I was a fifth grader and I remember how "responsible" I felt, even though I probably REALLY wasn't. But my little one seems so "young and naive." He's a momma's boy (which at times, I love, and others, I feel a little guilty about, because I feel like I've babied him too much.) Oh well, he's probably my last, so why not, right? I say my last, because my body says "no more," but Alan still has hope, so I guess we'll see. Anyway, back to the subject at hand, I get off on these tangents sometimes . . . . . .
The kids going back to school is bittersweet, of course. I love them being home, but a part of me is like "heck yeah!" I get my days back for me!!" Back to the schedules of school, church and lessons.
OD was a bit nervous going to school, because this year he is changing classes, he doesn't have a homeroom like years prior. He's a big boy now. I forgot to ask where they eat their lunches, hmmm, I'll have to ask later. But he has a whole new place they have to line up and go in with their Advisory Teacher. When I picked him up (which I now pick him up 45 minutes later than the other two,) I asked how his first day as a fifth grader went. He said, "it was okay, I found my classes, but I'm still confused of where I'm supposed to go for P.E." (I'm paraphrasing here, so bear with me on my language, or rather, OD's.) Anyway, I told him it would just take time to get into the routine of knowing where his classes were.
Joshie had his first day of high school. He tells Darian, "your friends act like I'm not even there!" I said, "well, were you being annoying? Maybe they were ignoring you because you were being an annoying little brother." He said, "no, I wasn't even talking at all, they just ignored me." I said, "well, just give them some time, they just don't know you, and when they do, they'll love you." How can you not love Joshie and his silly sense of humor, right? He's so darned smart, Alan and I just have to make sure we're on top of this boy, to make sure he's getting things done. We have faith and we know how smart Joshie is, he can do really, really well, when he wants to. He's just lazy, and we need to keep him out of that laziness funk.
Darian is now starting her Junior year, poor, poor girl. I worry about my girl sometimes. She hasn't done so well in school and I know it's hard for her, but she also needs to put forth more effort. I told her if she didn't pass all of her classes this year, she probably wasn't going to graduate with her class. I wasn't telling her to make her feel bad, but it's a fact, and I think she needs to know the gravity of the situation. This is the last ditch effort to get things on track. I'd hate to see her not graduate on time and with her class, but, well, I don't know. I guess it's not the end of the world, it's not like my daughter is sick with a major illness or anything. I love my daughter and want the best for her and want her to be happy and want her to graduate, don't get me wrong, but in the grand scheme of things, of life and death and God and everything, is it REALLY the end of the world if she doesn't? No. I would still love her and help her in whatever she wanted to do. Not every kid is a school kid, not every kid loves school and does well in it. That's just not Darian.
Anyway, here's to a good and hopefully successful school year!!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Anyway, he has a book that he's been looking at, trying to read the notes, so hopefully, he can get a bit of a head start in that area.
The Terrorist
He is a Terrorist, because he has dug holes in our yard, dug up flowers, eaten my brand new (with the biggest and most beautiful flowers), Hibiscus plant that my honey bought me. Alan had just planted it in one of the flower pots near the doggie door, so of course, it's the first thing Petey sees when he goes out the door, right? I was out the next morning feeding the dogs and looked over at the Hibiscus plant and thought, "gosh, I wonder why Alan pruned this plant down so much? " Because I had seen Alan that afternoon with the clippers, clipping other plants, so I just assumed he had done it to the new Hibiscus plant too. I was already getting mad at Alan, because the plant looked ugly, it was waaay smaller than earlier, and just looked puny. But as I walked closer to the plant, I noticed that some of the branches were broken and there were leaves in the pot itself that looked really mangled. So of course, then, it hit me. Ugh!! I could have spanked Petey, but he was no where to be found.
Roy My Bro
seatbelt held him in super tight, hilarious!
Well today, Dad, Roy and I went to see this eye doctor in Beverly Hills. Roy has this horrible eye disease and the doctors here in Phoenix have told him that his ONLY option is to have a corneal transplant, he wanted a second opinion, so off we were. The doctor had good news, Roy is a candidate for this procedure and hopefully he will be getting it done soon!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Getting Ready for Halloween

While I was at Joann's today, I looked through the patterns and found a super cute Queen of Hearts, so that's what Miss D is gonna be. I'm trying to talk Joshie into being the Mad Hatter (the Johnny Depp one, of course), but he's really against it right now. We'll see.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Today was the memorial for Michael Jackson, it was sad, funny, poignant and such a tribute to the man that touched so many people's lives. His casket was sooo beautiful, I have never seen such a beautiful casket. It had so many red roses on the top with greenery, it was an amazing sight. His brothers were pall bearers and they each wore their black suits with white shirts and yellow ties, and each had a red rose in their lapel and the topper was that they each wore a sequined glove, I thought that was a nice touch. The family was in black Escalades and black Range Rovers, the funeral procession was really, really long. Finally, they made it to the Staples' Center in L.A. The brothers brought the casket into the "stage area" and no one really knew that his body was going to be there (that's what was said after, when they were doing the commentary about the memorial, after it was over.) Anyway, Mariah Carey and Trey Lorenz sang, (she was a bit pitchy, if I may say so.) There were people that got up and talked and said what Michael had meant to them, such as Barry Gordy, Smokey Robinson, who each called him their "little brother," it was sad. It was funny to hear some of the funny stories as well. Like Magic Johnson said he was over at Michael's house one day and the chef came to ask them what they wanted for dinner and Magic said, "I'll have the grilled chicken," thinking he should get the "healthy choice." Then a little bit later they brought him his chicken and brought Michael a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. Magic was like, "what? I ordered this, and you got KFC?" So they had a good laugh about that and sat and ate Michael's bucket of chicken together. Brooke Shields painted Michael as funny and laughing and playing practical jokes all the time. They had alot in common, contradicting what all the tabloids and magazines said about them. They both started working as young people. She kid Michael and said, "you're a slacker, I started working when I was 11 months old!" It was cute. There were so many wonderful things said about him. Him being the consumate entertainer, a humanitarian, a lover of mankind (always). I truly believe Michael Jackson loved people and only ever wanted what we all take for granted, which is normalcy. He never had that. Never in his life was he never not famous. Since the age of 9 he had been in the public eye, and was mobbed wherever he went. What kind of life must that have been? To live in a bubble, and a fantasy life, a life where you can't do anything without someone looking at you and either questioning, or ridiculing you for something, I can't imagine. There's a video on YouTube, where these people shut down this grocery store for MJ, because he wanted to know what it was like to go grocery shopping, he had never done that before. They got people like his nanny, and people that worked for him, and put them in disguises and had them act like they were "shoppers." They would take his cart and make him believe he lost it and things like that. It all seemed pretty cool for him, and he seemed to be loving it, picking up jars and packages and reading the labels and such. Such a small thing, trivial to most of us, but to him it was the neatest thing. His brother Marlon spoke, very tearfully, at the very end, and he said he was in a record store one day and he was in back of this man who had on a really wrinkled, dirty looking shirt and really bucky teeth, holding a whole stack of CDs. He said, "Michael, what are you doing here?" Michael turned around and said, "how did you know it was me?" He said, "Michael, you are my brother, I know you, I know your body language, the way you move, and those shoes, you wear them all the time!" Everyone just laughed. No matter what his disguise was, his brother always knew it was him. That's family for you. But I thought of, how sad, sad that this man had to wear disguises just to go and sit on a park bench at Disneyland and watch people, watch them without them watching and mobbing him. He could be himself, even ironically, when he wasn't himself. Crazy. At the very end, little Paris Katherine spoke up and said that Michael was the best Daddy ever and that she loved him very much and she starts sobbing. How utterly sad. The only parent these kids have known, and now he's gone. I'm not sure how I feel about who they should go to. I kinda think, that Debbie Rowe should just stay away, after all, she sold her kids off to Michael, so why should she get them back? Katherine seems like the best alternative, although she's no spring chicken. But I'm sure she has help around the house, that can help with the kids. I've heard they're close to her and, of course, those were Michael's wishes. Anyway, I've babbled long enough. Michael will never die, he will live on in our lives through his music. I've picked it up again, and my kids are getting really into it as well, it's nice to hear it playing throughout the house. Funny, the kids and I were learning the "Thriller" dance last night, Darian and OD gave up, but Joshie and I persevered and got it!!! Maybe you'll see it on YouTube one of these days. Now, I gotta work on that Moonwalk!!!