Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Bit of a Scare

On January 30th, Krista had a birthday party for Ethan, and after a bit I went to the baseball field to watch my boy play for a bit. Alan wanted to go eat something, but I wanted to go home instead, since I hadn't really been laying down at all that day. I went home (it was around 4-4:30pm), lay on the couch and was trying to relax and stay off my feet for a bit. About an hour later, I started feeling more cramping (which I later found out were contractions), and I had a pain on either side of my abdomen, pains like side-stitches, like when you've run a lot, but it wouldn't go away, plus, I had lots of pressure down by my pelvic area. Basically, I didn't feel well at all and was constantly moving around to get into a comfortable position, but couldn't. I was even sitting upright on the edge of the couch and couldn't catch my breath at times. Alan asked me (several times) if there was anything he could do, and finally I told him I thought I needed to go to the emergency room because the pains and the pressure was so bad; it was even hard to walk and I had to do it very slowly. So we end up taking OD to Erica's (thank goodness, because they weren't letting kids into the lobby of the hospital even.)
So we get to the hospital and they hook me up to monitors, for me and for my baby, watching us both. I told the nurse I thought I was having contractions, but the monitor wasn't picking anything up. I think she might have thought I was being overly dramatic or whatever, but I know what contractions feel like, and I've been through this situation with Joshie. Anyway, I was dialated, but nothing to be alarmed about, mine was normal (1/2 cm), there was nothing in my urine showing dehydration or anything like that. They did a test called FFN, which is a test that will show a certain protein that is secreted when you are actually going into labor it was negative, so that was a good thing. The nurse moved my monitor around and finally started picking up my contractions, so I got a shot of Terbutilane, not fun. Not fun because, it makes you super shaky, your heart races, and it only took my contractions away for a little bit (like 1/2 hr.), after that, they came back, so they ended up giving me the pill form (also to take home), and that seemed to work better. I was told I had to be on bedrest (super fun!!!--NOT) and take my pills. So I rested Sunday (no church, bummer) but didn't take the medication after 2pm that afternoon. I wasn't having the contractions anymore, and I didn't like the way they made me feel, so I thought, if it comes back, then I'll take them, but if I don't need them, why take them?
Monday I had an OB appointment, and I still hadn't had any contractions. The doc said to stay off my feet as much as possible and I could take the meds as needed. So as of today 2-10-10, I haven't had any contractions, but I still have this pressure inside of my vag (my cervix, I suppose), it feels worse when I'm standing or walking for too long. So to this day, I'm trying to take it really easy, laying down as much as possible. It's not easy, but I guess it's giving me time to catch up on things like, MY BLOG!!! I'm reading my books, FBooking, playing Farmville (dork, I know). I've laundered my baby girl's little clothes, her blankets, bibs, and bedding for her new crib. I have a washer/dryer in my closet, so I'm not lifting heavy items and I'm not walking far at all--so don't get all crazy peeps that are reading this. ha ha
Right now I'm sitting up on my bed with my laptop, my hubby brought me breakfast this morning and I'm updating my blog. Sometimes it's a bit overwhelming and I get bored, but I think, what's the alternative? If I don't take care of myself, my little girl could come way too early and have some really bad problems, so that makes me stay in bed, makes me take it easy. Like last night, I made flautas and I didn't feel too well standing for so long, so I asked Alan to get me a stool to sit on. He brought me nana's walker she had while she was here and I sat on it while I was at the stove, it helped a great deal. The kids got a kick out of me sitting while cooking, especially sitting on that walker. But if I don't cook, we eat out, and I can only take that so much, then it's like, okay, I gotta make something good for us; the kids too, they've asked me to cook, I think they enjoy my cooking alot more than eating out.
So anyway, I'm just taking it day by day and so far I've gone 2 extra weeks, I have about 9-10 weeks to go, if I'm gonna make it to at least 36 weeks, which is good. All 3 of my kiddos were born at 36 weeks, and they were good, Darian was a bit small, but the other two were bigger. I'm just trying to get to 36 weeks and I'll be happy, no worries then.

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