It was 11 years ago today, that I was first introduced (formally and in-person) to a really amazing little boy. I remember the day I went to the hospital to have him, of course, everything had been pre-planned and I knew he was coming that day, even though he really shouldn't have been here until March 17th. My little body just couldn't take being pregnant anymore and, not surprising, Odysseus couldn't wait to come into the world and start making himself known.
I was not alone in this whole process, but a lot of the time, unfortunately, I felt alone. But this day I was not alone (physically), but I'll write this from my perspective, not OURS.
This delivery was the easiest I have ever had, thanks in large part to the epidural I got. I had never had one before, and Hallelujah, Praise God for medicine!!! It was the best!!! After I got the epidural, I felt no pain. I literally was sitting there talking with and watching TV with OD's dad. The doctor kept coming in and checking to see how dialated I was, and finally the time came when I could start pushing and helping this little booger to come out. I wanted to see him, and meet him and see what was in store for me. It didn't feel like I pushed too long, but who really knows, as I wasn't watching the clock much at this time. But really and truly, I felt like I was only pushing maybe 5 or 6 times.
He finally pops out of me and the doctors check him out and give him to me, and he has this little swollen little face, but his head looks perfectly round, not all funny and cone-ish, thank goodness. Come to think of it, none of my kids had cone-heads. I think, because I pushed them out pretty quickly and they didn't have to sit in the birth canal for any length of time. Anyway, I held you, little Odysseus, in my arms and I was so happy to see you. I offered OD to his dad, for the daddy to finally hold his little baby, but he refused. I was stunned!! WTH??? I didn't understand, and to this day, I still don't understand why he refused. Not only did he refuse that day, but for the next 2 days. Unbelievable. I guess I shouldn't have been shocked.
Anyway, my baby boy has been with me for 11 years and it's 11 years that I am truly grateful for. I'm so glad that I get to be with him and he with me, every single day. OD has been a joy in my life, and one that is so deeply imbedded in my soul, as are all my kids.
I look back at all the precious moments I've had with this beautiful creature, I laugh at the funny things he's done, marvel at his intelligence, his ability to remember and memorize the smallest of details, and I am eager to see how far he goes with his baseball talent. I have so much to look forward to with this baby boy.
I remember back when he was 4 years old, and he used to love that AC/DC song, "TNT," I remember he would play his 'air guitar' and pretend to sing it, and play the guitar, I'll never forget that. I remember when he was Winnie the Pooh for Halloween, that was such a cute costume. I remember when I first enrolled him in baseball and how much he didn't want to do it, now it's all he wants to do. I remember his first day of Kindergarten, he was okay, and didn't cry, he was a big boy and was actually eager to be with other kids, that's where he met his BFF Kobe, and to this day, they're still friends, even though we moved away 2 years ago. I've made great efforts to keep them in contact and they're always happy to see each other.
Now my son is changing and morphing before my eyes, and becoming an adolescent. He's noticing girls and even women now, he makes remarks of boobs and legs and, "she's hot!!" and how "he's gotten his puberty," as he calls it, grown-up things like that. All the while, I'm yelling in my head, "No!!! It's too soon--isn't it?? Why can't he just like baseball (only) for a little while longer?" But I guess time marches on. My little boy is noticing girls, and getting bigger and his body is changing, and there's nothing I can do about that. I guess this is the next chapter in our wonderful book together. It's both scary and exciting at the same time, because when your son is little, you wonder what he's gonna be like when gets older. Well, mine is getting older and I know what he's like already (somewhat). Time will reveal what this boy will become, and what type of man he'll be. Alan and I try very hard, each and every day to instill values and morals in our "little man," and I hope he takes those lessons and uses them and becomes a wonderful boyfriend/husband for someone someday.
But for now, he's still my little 11 year old boy, and I'm still cherishing that everyday. I love that he still wants to be close to me, he still wants to cuddle with me on the couch and in my bed, he still wants me to tuck him in bed every night--we say our prayers and we talk about Jesus and other things, and we hug and kiss, and give each other crosses on our foreheads, this is our nightly ritual and I'll cherish it now and forever, even though I know it won't last forever.
I love you my little OD---which, by the way, is a nickname his momma gave him :)