Well today, November 23rd, I have to have an amnioscentesis done. Now, for those of you who don't know what exactly this is, let me explain it to you. The doctor gets about a 4-5" thin needle and jabs it quickly into your abdomen, I'm assuming it's almost like he's throwing a dart (I say, assuming, because I didn't watch ANY part of this procedure, and the doc didn't say I could watch either, probably for the best.) So he jabs it into my tummy (he explains what's going to happen to me BEFORE he does it so I'm forewarned, thank you very much doc) and that doesn't really hurt, it's more like a quick prick, then, 'Okay, now you're going to feel some pressure as the needle is penetrating your uterus." Pressure??? Holy cow, geez. I am holding Alan's hand the entire time, but when this starts to happen, I have to squeeze a little bit harder. The doc says, 'don't squeeze him so hard, relax.' I hate it when they say that. Let me shove this needle into your butt and see how YOU feel doc. Um hmm, I thought so. Anyway, when he pushes the needle into my uterus there's extreme pressure and I have to revert to my Lamase breathing, which is similar to breathing in yoga. So I try to focus on something OTHER than a huge needle being shoved into my abdomen, and the doc is just talking about the weather, what movies we've seen lately, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? All I'm thinking is, don't hit my baby with that needle, and hurry the heck up and get it out of me. So he has to get a few vials of the amniotic fluid, four to be exact, and then he says, okay, we're all done. Procedure takes all of 10 minutes, although it feels much, much longer. Doc says I did well, and is thankful that the baby did not grab the needle, otherwise we would have to wait until the little baby let go of the needle, to be able to pull it out, as to not hurt the little bambino. So we have to have the fluid sent to the lab to do more testing for the Trisomy's and any other abnormalities.
But, on a lighter note. . . . . before we had the amnio done, on the same day, they had to do an ultrasound just to get some measurements for the baby and such. And at this point I was just past my 15 week mark. So the technician is doing all the measurements and she asks if we want to know the sex of the baby, which of course, we say yes! So during this procedure I'm watching the monitor and can see all the stuff she's looking at like the heart beating, the legs, the little arms, the head, the eye sockets, the baby moving a little, it was cool. So finally she says, ' . . . . well, there's nothing between those legs, it's a girl!!' Which I tap Alan on the shoulder and say, 'I told you . . . .' He, of course cried a bit. I've been telling Alan for weeks that I knew she was a girl, from the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew God gave us a girl, I had faith, and I was right. I went to the bathroom between them doing the ultrasound and the amnio, and when I came back, he was already texting his sister, he was so excited.
But, on a lighter note. . . . . before we had the amnio done, on the same day, they had to do an ultrasound just to get some measurements for the baby and such. And at this point I was just past my 15 week mark. So the technician is doing all the measurements and she asks if we want to know the sex of the baby, which of course, we say yes! So during this procedure I'm watching the monitor and can see all the stuff she's looking at like the heart beating, the legs, the little arms, the head, the eye sockets, the baby moving a little, it was cool. So finally she says, ' . . . . well, there's nothing between those legs, it's a girl!!' Which I tap Alan on the shoulder and say, 'I told you . . . .' He, of course cried a bit. I've been telling Alan for weeks that I knew she was a girl, from the moment I found out I was pregnant, I knew God gave us a girl, I had faith, and I was right. I went to the bathroom between them doing the ultrasound and the amnio, and when I came back, he was already texting his sister, he was so excited.
God is Great!!!
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