Okay, seriously, I LOOOOOOOVVVVVEEEEE me some George Lopez, and not because he's fine or anything. Poor guy. No, he's just so damned funny. It seems like everything he talks about just hits a nerve with all the Latino community, me included. We went to see him in his stand up concert at the Dodge, there were sooooo many people, it was awesome to see the Latin community support one of their own. My cousin Michelle and her hubby went with me and mine. We went to dinner first, then to the show. Unfortunately we couldn't take any cameras in with us, but I managed to get one of us with my iPhone. Anyway, loved the show. There was a band that opened, they were called the Boogie Knights, they played all 70s music, they were really good and very entertaining. Then there was a comedian, white guy, super duper goofy as all hell, and wearing a suit and tie, no less, couldn't have been more improper looking for the crowd that was there. But once he opened his mouth it was clear that George Lopez knew what he was doing when he hired him to open for him, the guy was a riot.
The kids kept saying, "why didn't you take us?" I'm sure they were thinking the show was going to be like his TV show, family friendly, which it was anything but. He cursed and talked about sex and women's bodies and all kinds of things that would have been inappropriate for any kids. Although, when we were in the lobby people watching, in walks in a couple with their two kids, aged from about 11-13. Whew, I bet they were a bit embarassed that they took their kids once the show started, anyway, you'd hope they would be if they were any sort of a good parent.
The kids kept saying, "why didn't you take us?" I'm sure they were thinking the show was going to be like his TV show, family friendly, which it was anything but. He cursed and talked about sex and women's bodies and all kinds of things that would have been inappropriate for any kids. Although, when we were in the lobby people watching, in walks in a couple with their two kids, aged from about 11-13. Whew, I bet they were a bit embarassed that they took their kids once the show started, anyway, you'd hope they would be if they were any sort of a good parent.
Anyway, I would definately go and see another one of his shows. BTW, if you know anything about George Lopez, you would know what the FTP means.
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