Well, this one particular night I took Nana to the
hospital because she wasn't feeling well, and my mom met us over there. So she's in the ER and they have her hooked up to all these monitors and the doctors are in and out monitoring her and so forth, you know the drill. So I guess she had been slipping down further and further from her pillow, and wanted to be propped up a bit more, so the nurse pulled her up and at the same time (unbeknownst to any of us), her chonies were slowly falling towards her ankles. Somehow these slippery little suckers managed to work their way down to her ankles, who knows? Maybe she wanted to go commando, who knows??? Ha ha. Anyways, this young, really cute doctor came into the room and wanted to examine Nana, but in spanish, Nana proceeds to tell us that her chonies had fallen all the way to her ankles. So I picked up the covers at the foot of the bed, and lo and behold, there they are, thank God they were clean, right?? So I tell Mom and Connie and we had the biggest laugh, all the while the doctor is in there, looking at us like we were all crazy, and Nana was laughing too, because we were all talking in Spanish and she was trying to get me to put the covers back over her, but I managed to get a picture of the incident instead. I don't think the doctor ever knew what the heck was going on. He just went on with his examination of Nana. It was the funniest thing ever though. There they are in the picture, the blue sassy panties. ha ha